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Policies Page

Your privacy matters to us. Please review our privacy policy and terms of use for information on how we handle your personal data and govern your use of our website.

Priviacy Policy

It is of the utmost importance for this business to protect the privacy and personal information of this site's visitors and users.

Data Collection, Use, and Sharing

I am the sole proprietor of the information collected on this site. I only collect data that are voluntarily provided by site visitors, and I never sell this information to any third parties without informed consent. Unless you indicate otherwise, I may contact you to tell you about North Star Security Institute updates or changes to this privacy policy.

Control Over Data

You are free to contact me at any time to inquire about what information I hold about you, to change any of your details which need to be corrected or updated, or to express any concerns you have regarding my use of your data.

Information Security

I take comprehensive steps to protect your information. Sensitive data is always encrypted, stored on my secure servers, and transmitted using the safest methods.

Terms of Use

Please read these terms of use carefully. By accessing my site or using my services, you acknowledge that you understand, agree, and are bound by these terms.

Modification of Terms

At my discretion, North Star Security Institute may edit, add, or remove parts of this agreement. If I do make changes to these Terms of Use, I will make a reasonable effort to provide notice.

Prohibited Conduct

You are solely responsible for your conduct while on my site, and agree to abide by all laws, contracts, intellectual property and third-party rights.


North Star Security Institute reserves the right to terminate access to my site and block future use of my services if I deem these Terms of Use have been violated.

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North Star Security Institue offers comprehensive security courses within Calgary, and online training for those in Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.  

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